Papers and Preprints
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Research Gate Profile
Homology of matching complexes and representations of symmetric groups, with M. Bate, B. Everitt, and S. Ford, submitted, arXiv.
Representation stability in the intrinsic hyperplane arrangements associated to irreducible representations of the symmetric-groups, with I. Flynn and B. Young, submitted, arXiv.
Independence numbers in certain families of highly symmetric graphs, with D. Guan, submitted, arXiv.
The weak categorical quiver minor theorem and its applications: matchings, multipaths, and magnitude cohomology, with L. Caputi and C. Collari, submitted, arXiv.
Robertson's conjecture and universal finite generation in the homology of graph braid groups, with B. Knudsen, to appear, Sel. Math. New Ser., arXiv.
Robertson's Conjecture in Algebraic Topology, Seminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire, 89B.49, link
The Graph Minor Theorem meets algebra, Notices of the AMS, September 2022 Preprint.
Excessive symmetry can preclude cutoff, with G. White, to Appear, Linear algebra and its applications, arXiv.
Equivariant log concavity and representation stability, with J. Matherne, D. Miyata, and N. Proudfoot, Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN, arXiv.
The graph minor theorem in topological combinatorics, with D. Miyata, Advances in Mathematics, 430 (2023) arXiv.
Stability phenomena for resonance arrangements, with N. Proudfoot, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, Series B, 8.18 (2021): 219-223, arXiv.
Spanning Configurations and Matroidal Representation Stability, with B. Pawlowski and B. Rhoades, Seminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire, 84B.57, link.
Hilbert series in the category of trees with contractions , Math. Z., (2021): 1-22 arXiv.
A model for random braiding in graph configuration spaces, with D. Levin and B. Young, to appear, Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN, arXiv.
The contraction category of graphs, with N. Proudfoot, Representation Theory, 26, no. 23 (2022): 673-697, arXiv.
Spanning subspace configurations and representation stability, with B. Pawlowski and B. Rhoades, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, arXiv.
Functorial invariants of trees and their cones, with N. Proudfoot, Sel. Math. New Ser., 25(4), 62, arXiv.
Families of Markov Chains with compatible symmetric-group actions, with G. White, submitted, arXiv.
An application of the theory of FI-algebras to graph configuration spaces, Math. Z., 294 (1-2), 1-15, arXiv.
FI-sets with relations, with D. Speyer and G. White, Algebraic Combinatorics, 3(5), 1079-1098, arXiv.
Local cohomology and the multigraded regularity of FIm-modules, with L. Li, Journal of Commutative Algebra, 13.2 (2021): 235-252 arXiv.
Families of nested graphs with compatible symmetric-group actions, with G. White, Sel. Math. New Ser., 25 (5), 70, arXiv.
Asymptotic behaviors in the homology of symmetric group and finite general linear group quandles, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 222 (2018), 3858-3876, arXiv.
Configuration spaces of graphs with certain permitted collisions, Discrete and Computational Geometry, 62 (4), 912-944, arXiv.
Stability phenomena in the homology of tree braid groups, Algebraic & Geometric Topology 18 (2018), 2305-2337, arXiv.
On the degree-wise coherence of FIG-modules, New York Journal of Mathematics 23 (2017), 873-896, arXiv.
Generalized representation stability and FId-modules, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 145 (2017), 4647-4660, arXiv.
Depth and the local cohomology of FIG-modules, with L. Li, Advances in Mathematics 329 (2018), 704-741, arXiv.
Homological invariants of FI-modules and FIG-modules, Journal of Algebra 502 (2018), 163-195, arXiv.
The Alexander and Jones Polynomials Through Representations of Rook Algebras, with S. Bigelow and R. Yi, The Journal Of Knot Theory and its Ramifications 21 no. 12 (2012), 18pp, arXiv.
Three Selmer Groups For Elliptic Curves With 3-Torsion, with T. Feng, K. James, C. Kim, C. Trentacoste and H. Xue, The Ramanujan Journal 31, Issue 3 (2013), Page 435-459.